Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The REAL Snakes. Case Study of Massachusetts GOP. The NOT-SO-OBVIOUS-ESTABLISHMENT. Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer. Educator has a discussion with a local Massachusetts electrician on his experiences with the Massachusetts Swamp and how they lie and cheat to manipulate working class folks away from real agents of change, back into the arms of the Establishment. The discussion provides the framework to educate you on the physics of the NOT-SO-OBVIOUS-ESTABLISHMENT, a central principle in Dr.Shiva's Foundation of Systems course taught every Monday evenings (and available online) to Truth Freedom Health Warriors. Get Educated or Be Enslaved. Join VASHIVA/JOIN. Become a warrior for Truth Freedom Health - VASHIVA.COM/Warrior. - Truth Freedom Health - 914

Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The REAL Snakes. Case Study of Massachusetts GOP. The NOT-SO-OBVIOUS-ESTABLISHMENT.

Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The REAL Snakes. Case Study of Massachusetts GOP. The NOT-SO-OBVIOUS-ESTABLISHMENT.

3 years
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Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The REAL Snakes. Case Study of Massachusetts GOP. The NOT-SO-OBVIOUS-ESTABLISHMENT. Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer. Educator has a discussion with a local Massachusetts electrician on his experiences with the Massachusetts Swamp and how they lie and cheat to manipulate working class folks away from real agents of change, back into the arms of the Establishment. The discussion provides the framework to educate you on the physics of the NOT-SO-OBVIOUS-ESTABLISHMENT, a central principle in Dr.Shiva's Foundation of Systems course taught every Monday evenings (and available online) to Truth Freedom Health Warriors. Get Educated or Be Enslaved. Join VASHIVA/JOIN. Become a warrior for Truth Freedom Health - VASHIVA.COM/Warrior.


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