A personÂ’s health should be between them and their physician. Unfortunately today, we have a system in which Doctors are prescribing drugs for kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies, GPOs hold a state-sanctioned monopoly to price-gouge our hospitals, Doctors are driven into debt in medical school without sufficiently studying nutrition or looking at the body as an entire system. As a US Senator, Dr. Shiva will break up the GPO monopolies and enact genuine healthcare reform that puts your health back in your own hands, not the clutches of the state. - Shiva4Senate - 718

Dr.SHIVA on Healthcare

Dr.SHIVA on Healthcare

4 years
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A personÂ’s health should be between them and their physician. Unfortunately today, we have a system in which Doctors are prescribing drugs for kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies, GPOs hold a state-sanctioned monopoly to price-gouge our hospitals, Doctors are driven into debt in medical school without sufficiently studying nutrition or looking at the body as an entire system. As a US Senator, Dr. Shiva will break up the GPO monopolies and enact genuine healthcare reform that puts your health back in your own hands, not the clutches of the state.


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