Dr. VA Shiva Ayyadurai visited the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi on March 12, 2014. Dr. Shiva was invited by the Department of Computer Science & Technology, IIT, Delhi. He spoke on how Innovation can happen anytime, anyplace and by anybody. Dr. Shiva underlined the need to usher and foster innovation in India as the central principle to bring development and prosperity to the country. He later interacted with students, research associates and faculty and answered questions from them ranging from how he developed email as a 14-year-old immigrant in New Jersey to his experience and frustration with the bureaucracy in India which is a stumbling block to innovation. - Truth Freedom Health - 52

Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai at IIT, Delhi

Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai at IIT, Delhi

10 years
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Dr. VA Shiva Ayyadurai visited the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi on March 12, 2014. Dr. Shiva was invited by the Department of Computer Science & Technology, IIT, Delhi. He spoke on how Innovation can happen anytime, anyplace and by anybody. Dr. Shiva underlined the need to usher and foster innovation in India as the central principle to bring development and prosperity to the country. He later interacted with students, research associates and faculty and answered questions from them ranging from how he developed email as a 14-year-old immigrant in New Jersey to his experience and frustration with the bureaucracy in India which is a stumbling block to innovation.


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