Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai answers a question at the Bellingham Republican Town Committee Meeting on September 29, 2017. H1B visas should be taken away. The solution is to promote immigration based on merit. H1B visas not only hurt America but also countries like India which suffer from brain-drain. More effort and investment should occur with respect to infrastructure in America to educate and create an educated and effective workforce. ***** Website: http://Shiva4senate.com Support Shiva4Senate Campaign: http://Shiva4senate.com/donate Boston Free Speech Rally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9X2ZRB9GCU Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/va.shiva.ayyadurai Twitter: https://twitter.com/va_shiva ***** - Shiva4Senate - 312

Q & A: What Is Your Stand On H1B Visas?

Q & A: What Is Your Stand On H1B Visas?

6 years
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Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai answers a question at the Bellingham Republican Town Committee Meeting on September 29, 2017. H1B visas should be taken away. The solution is to promote immigration based on merit. H1B visas not only hurt America but also countries like India which suffer from brain-drain. More effort and investment should occur with respect to infrastructure in America to educate and create an educated and effective workforce. ***** Website: http://Shiva4senate.com Support Shiva4Senate Campaign: http://Shiva4senate.com/donate Boston Free Speech Rally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9X2ZRB9GCU Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/va.shiva.ayyadurai Twitter: https://twitter.com/va_shiva *****


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