Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai says that the public school system, his family and dedicated school teachers gave him the fundamentals. Dr. Shiva says that he learned more in the public school system than M.I.T. What the elite schools do is get the smart students through their selection process and put their brand on them. Education really comes from fundamentals and skills training. ***** Website: https://Shiva4senate.com Support Shiva4Senate Campaign: https://Shiva4senate.com/donate Boston Free Speech Rally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9X2ZRB9GCU Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/va.shiva.ayyadurai Twitter: https://twitter.com/va_shiva ***** - Shiva4Senate - 282
CFPUP Q&A: What innovations can be made to make learning more effective and less expensive?