Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai responds to a question by Kevin Lynn from Center for Progressive Urban Politics on progressives can support corporatists like Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton. Dr. Shiva says that for far too long, American Politics essentialy is made up of the Establishment, which consists of the Overt Establishment and the Not-So-Obvious Establishment. On the other hand are the People's movements. These people are the ones that create change. This can be seen over and over again. He goes on to explain how the insidious Not-So-Obvious Establishment is used by people like Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton to fool people by pretending to be revolutionary but in reality pushing people towards the Establishment. ***** Website: https://Shiva4senate.com Support Shiva4Senate Campaign: https://Shiva4senate.com/donate Boston Free Speech Rally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9X2ZRB9GCU Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/va.shiva.ayyadurai Twitter: https://twitter.com/va_shiva ***** - Shiva4Senate - 290DrShiva

How can progressives support neo-liberal corporatists like Elizabeth Warren & Hillary Clinton?

How can progressives support neo-liberal corporatists like Elizabeth Warren & Hillary Clinton?

6 years
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Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai responds to a question by Kevin Lynn from Center for Progressive Urban Politics on progressives can support corporatists like Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton. Dr. Shiva says that for far too long, American Politics essentialy is made up of the Establishment, which consists of the Overt Establishment and the Not-So-Obvious Establishment. On the other hand are the People's movements. These people are the ones that create change. This can be seen over and over again. He goes on to explain how the insidious Not-So-Obvious Establishment is used by people like Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton to fool people by pretending to be revolutionary but in reality pushing people towards the Establishment. ***** Website: https://Shiva4senate.com Support Shiva4Senate Campaign: https://Shiva4senate.com/donate Boston Free Speech Rally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9X2ZRB9GCU Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/va.shiva.ayyadurai Twitter: https://twitter.com/va_shiva *****


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