Dr. VA Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT, Inventor of the first email system at the age of 14 at 1978. He spoke with The Post's Emi Kolawole about his path from being a teenage inventor in New Jersey to the Smithsonian. - The Inventor of Email - 26DrShiva

Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT, Inventor of Email: My path to the Smithsonian

Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT, Inventor of Email: My path to the Smithsonian

12 years
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Dr. VA Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT, Inventor of the first email system at the age of 14 at 1978. He spoke with The Post's Emi Kolawole about his path from being a teenage inventor in New Jersey to the Smithsonian.


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